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Joyous Heart Care Mission

We recognize that the human spirit can soar, even when the body cannot. -- Joy Thompson, Founder, Joyous Heart Care

We Bring Joy to the Third Act

Home Health Care

The Three Stages of Life

Everyone should enjoy all three stages of life to the fullest. In the First Act, we discover the world and ourselves. In the Second Act, we build families and create careers. In the Third Act, we understand the true joy of life, reflect on our accomplishments, and seek to give back to others.

Home Health Care

Our Mission is to Serve

At Joyous Heart Care, our mission is to bring joy to the Third Act of life. This joy comes in many forms: learning, sharing, loving, caring, feeling needed, and giving to others. We build an environment that will encompass those activities, one that will lead to a joyous and fulfilling life.

Home Health Care

Every Client Has a Story

Every client has a story. We want the Third Act to bring that story to life. We recognize that the human spirit can soar, even when the body cannot. When our clients give to others, it can be a profoundly rewarding experience. We are inspired by the joy that we see in the eyes of clients when they feel hopeful and content.

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What our clients are saying

Dear Joy, we cannot thank you enough for all you do for mom. You are very much appreciated by all of us., that includes mom when she is thinking straight. Hang in there. We do not want to lose you. Daughter of long-term client.

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